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Honoring Our Volunteers

Tom May Volunteer.JPG

Tom and May

(former live-in resident and now volunteer)

"They are restoring the walls and repairing the foundations."

 Ezra 12:B


During the days of Ezra and Nehemiah, the enemies of God's people were not too happy with the building project in Jerusalem. As the walls of God's people were being repaired and the foundations made strong, lying accusations from the outside became a daily threat to the courageous builders. How faithfully they endured the temptations of that day. How difficult it must have been to persevere in the face of such intense persecution. Their hearts were set on rebuilding the city of God and establishing themselves, once again, as a nation whose sole purpose would rest in glorifying their God. They needed God and they needed each other.


It is the mission of Jesus Cares to reach over denominational walls to build the body of Christ together. It is the blood of Jesus that makes us one body and one family in Messiah. We are always grateful when churches and organizations join with us as we reach out to the community. Sun Valley Community Church was one such body of believers. They opened their doors to us and made it possible for us to honor our volunteers by having an appreciation luncheon on their premises. They gave us amazing privileges and we are so grateful that they made this day happen for us! 

We had over 50 hands on helpers assemble for an appreciation luncheon. It was such a privilege to personally express our gratitude for their selfless service to the ministry. It will take a many-membered, Christ- centered body to build up the individuals and families that come to us desperate for the services we provide. This many-membered body has made it possible for us continue our building project here at Jesus Cares Ministries. The toolbox the Lord provides comes in the form of gracious and generous supporters who use their talents and skills in such a way that God's name and power are revealed. Many of these supporters have been a personal encouragement and support to our family as well. We are blessed to have a community of Nehemiah's, wall builders who lay down their lives on behalf of the kingdom. The building projects are not always easy and sometimes it appears that we are spending back breaking efforts to overthrow faulty foundations. It is during those times that the strength of the laborers can grow weak. Thankfully, the Lord is faithful to empower us as we look to Him, unite our faith, and remember His might. Beloved, if you are weary in your struggle, remember these words, spoken by the great ancient wall builder, Nehemiah:


"...Remember the Lord, great and awesome, and fight for your brethren,

your sons, your daughters, your wives, and your houses."

 Nehemiah 4:14b 


We thank God for the wonderful and diverse group of supporters from various denominations who make up the volunteer base of Jesus Cares Ministries. We thank Sun Valley for their generous hospitality and open doors that made this important event possible.

© 2024 Jesus Cares Ministries

Jesus Cares Ministries, Inc. is a Tax Exempt Organization under IRS code 501(C) (3).

Our Tax Exempt number is 94-2876518. All donations are tax deductible.

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