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Your people will rebuild what has been in ruins, building again on the old foundations. You will be known as the people who rebuilt the walls, who restored the ruined houses. -Isaiah 58:12


Building Individuals Families Marriages

As we pour oil and wine into the wounds of the broken we strive to fulfill Christ's example to love after the pattern of the Good Samaritan. Life is more manageable when lived out in the setting of genuine Christian fellowship and accountability. The goal of the mission is to join with the local church and other organizations to form a networking partnership. As we reach out together, helping the community in practical and spiritual ways, we proclaim the message that... Jesus Cares.


Jesus Cares Ministries has been helping people in crisis since 1980 and has been incorporated since 1983. For over thirty years, we provided a safe place for pregnant and troubled teens, many of whom had been physically and sexually abused. Jesus Cares Ministries Maternity Program offered a live-in program, as well as counseling, referrals, and an outreach to family members of our residents. From 1997- 2009 Jesus Cares Ministries Men's Program serviced those struggling with homelessness due to the bondage of addiction cycles.F.I.T. (Families In Transition)  Housing operated in the valley from 2009 - 2016 reaching out to couples and individuals by providing safe, affordable housing. We have witnessed firsthand how various unresolved abuse and trauma issues experienced in the past can significantly impact the future stability of individuals, therefore impacting the family dynamic. Working alongside the local church, we mentored our residents by offering various professional and ministry services. The ministry offers training tools and support to other ministries/churches wanting to stabilize individuals/families in a live-in or outreach setting.



Community Outreach Expansion:

In the past few years we have had opportunities to receive more skill and training in counseling specifically targeted to those struggling with addictions, grief, and past trauma. Through the financial support of generous donors we are able to conduct conferences and workshops available for the community at no charge. We also partner with local agencies to provide marital resources, housing referrals, mental health services, domestic violence outreach assistance, retreats for women breaking shame cycles, and counseling referrals.  We have developed our own curriculum, as well as utilized the resources of other ministries to make available the best possible Christ-centered tools for mending hearts and lives.


Respite Care/Internship and Training:

After years of working with those struggling with addictions as well as coming alongside of those whose spouses were struggling, the ministry saw a desperate need to develop a respite program for women. This short-term respite care provides a quiet place for clients we are mentoring. They have an opportunity, in a safe and nurturing setting, to put their focus on Christ and learn some tools that will help them make healthier choices for their future. 


Our internship program offers an opportunity to women entering full-time ministry to learn stewardship skills and the practical and spiritual tools necessary for serving others, locally or abroad.

If you need our services or know of someone who does, please feel free to call us at 480-831-1737

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© 2024 Jesus Cares Ministries

Jesus Cares Ministries, Inc. is a Tax Exempt Organization under IRS code 501(C) (3).

Our Tax Exempt number is 94-2876518. All donations are tax deductible.

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